# Introduction `django-fbv` includes utilities to make function-based views cleaner, more efficient, and better tasting. 💥 ## Why? The Django community continues to be split about whether to use function-based views or class-based views. This library is intended to provide solutions that address some of the annoyances of function-based views. If you want to read a more detailed critique of class-based views, https://spookylukey.github.io/django-views-the-right-way/ is excellent. ## Installation `poetry add django-fbv` OR `pip install django-fbv` The [decorators](decorators.md) and [views](views.md) can be used by just importing them. The middleware [needs to be installed like typical Django middleware](middleware.md#installation). ## Features ### decorators - [`fbv.decorators.render_html`](https://django-fbv.readthedocs.io/en/latest/decorators/#render-html): decorator to specify the template that a view function response should use when rendering - [`fbv.decorators.render_view`](https://django-fbv.readthedocs.io/en/latest/decorators/#render-view): decorator to specify the template and content type that a view function response should use when rendering - [`fbv.decorators.render_json`](https://django-fbv.readthedocs.io/en/latest/decorators/#render-json): decorator to automatically render dictionaries, Django Models, or Django QuerySets as a JSON response ### views - [`fbv.views.html_view`](https://django-fbv.readthedocs.io/en/latest/views/#html-view): directly render a template from `urls.py` - [`fbv.views.favicon_file`](https://django-fbv.readthedocs.io/en/latest/views/#favicon-file): serve an image file as the favicon.ico - [`fbv.views.favicon_emoji`](https://django-fbv.readthedocs.io/en/latest/views/#favicon-emoji): serve an emoji as the favicon.ico ### middleware - [`fbv.middleware.RequestMethodMiddleware`](https://django-fbv.readthedocs.io/en/latest/middleware/): adds a boolean property to the `request` for the current request's HTTP method ## Prior art - The `render_view` decorator was forked from `render_to` in the delightful https://github.com/skorokithakis/django-annoying library. - The `favicon_file` and `favicon_emoji` code is from the superb https://adamj.eu/tech/2022/01/18/how-to-add-a-favicon-to-your-django-site/ blog post. ```{toctree} :maxdepth: 2 :hidden: self decorators views middleware GitHub Sponsor ```